Thursday, December 10, 2009

Andy Buckworth Q&A about the Animal House comp

Andy Buckworth is at home in Australia with a bad back after sliding out on a slippery ramp. He's bummed he can't ride his new bike and he's also bummed on missing out on the King Of The Animal House event in Greenville this weekend. Here's what Andy has to say about the new comp at Dave Mirra's warehouse.

How many Aussies are going to ride the comp?

Guettler for sure.

Do you think he'll do good at Mirra's place?

1, lol.

And another car.

Hells yeah, he will kill it!

Have you ridden Dave's place?

Yes, it was amazing.

If Dave would enter himself, would he pick up one of the top three prizes?

Yeah I think so. I think he would kill it too.

How do you think team mates Mike Laird and Harry Main will do.

I think Harry has a good chance in the top 3.

Have you heard of any tricks that will be unleashed at the event?

All I've seen is Harry's new web video. It was nuts. I think the finals will go off.

What do you think of this event being added to the 2009 BMX Freestyle schedule?

I think it's awesome, the more comps the better.

So Greenville will be a real PRO TOWN this weekend with all the invited riders around...

Yeah it's already pro town but this weekend would be a great time to be there.

Are you bummed you're not there?

Yeah a little bit.

With all the media there you'll get to see it soon after it happens. Long live the internet.

Yeah hahahaha, but nothing will be as good as seeing it live.

Anything you want to add Andy?

It will be an amazing contest and I wish I was there.
