Monday, December 21, 2009

Win Nigel's shoes on Defgrip

Defgrip, Nigel Sylvester and Nike 6.0 are excited to offer you a chance to win a pair of Nigel’s Nike 6.0 MVRK shoes. To win the shoes, all you have to do is design a desktop wallpaper that includes the color purple and some elements of New York city, like building, skylines, or the subway. Get super creative and think of what kind of wallpaper you’d be psyched to have on your computer! The winner will be chosen by Nigel and the Defgrip crew and the top three entries will be available for download on Defgrip.

To submit your wallpaper make a design that is 1920 pixies wide by 1200 pixels tall at screen resolution (72dpi). All files must be submitted as jpg’s and you can send your entires to

The contest ends January 6th, so in order to be eligible to win, you must submit your designs by 11:59pm January 6th!
