Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Guettler visits Canadian Mirraco dealership. Read his story.

What's up guys,

I had a really cool weekend I wanted to tell you about it….

I got a phone call from Mirraco bikes saying there was 1 ticket to Canada to check out a bike shop and ride with the locals if I wanted it and of course I'm not going to say no to that.

Friday I was packed and flying to Canada but of course leaving Greenville where it was hot as I only took a small Vans hoodie which might have been the biggest mistake ever because when I got there it was almost snowing. Met up with Mike Russell (a rad sales guy from Mirraco) and we went to the local pub.

Saturday we went to United Cycles shop which might be the biggest bike shop in the world. I'd never seen a shop close to anything like this one. Me and Mike got the grand tour which took about an hour because of the size and rad things to check out. To try an explain how big this shop is they have over 60 employees, and it's 3 stories tall.

I really look up to Lance Armstrong and to my amazement they had one of his bikes and a wall of Trek bikes in every colour. Plus all the new Mirraco bikes which look soooo sweet. They set up a ramps outside and put on a cool jam so I got to ride but the cold was keeping me running in side ever 5 mins hahaha.

At the end of the day I gave away my bike to a kid who had just had his stolen from him and the shop to us to KEG for the best steak dinner and then me and Mike went to a local's house for some dice where I lost all of Mike's Canadian money and had a drum sessh before flying back to Greenville.

I had so much fun and would like to thank everyone who helped me out getting over there and all the locals for showing me a fun time.

Thanks see you next year

