Thursday, December 10, 2009

King Of The Animal House part one. Practice.

Mirraco riders Harry Main, Ryan Guettler and Mike Laird got some practice in at the Animal House. Things are looking good for all three. Harry flew in from England after winning the T-Mobile contest in Berlin on Sunday. He's getting over the jetlag now. Mike Laird is riding brakeless and Guettler is finding the lines in the Animal House. The place has received some Subaru, DC and Monster advertising and a huge King Of The Animal House logo on one of the walls. Here are a few notes of what's been happening on Thursday:

-Mad Dog replaces Chase Hawk who is out with hurt shoulder
-Drew Bezanson can’t get out of Canada/into the US for some paperwork issue so he won't be here
-Vince Byron boosting to the moon
-there will be a head to head mini comp between Chris Hughes and Vince Byron to win a place in the final jam. Whoever wins the most $$$ in Friday’s cash jam gets the spot
-Harry Main looks good. Ryan Guettler looks good. Some are struggling to adjust to the space. Others, like Mad Dog were up to speed almost immediately.
-Morgan Wade took a hard fall to his shoulder in practice with a hangup on a quarter. Went to the hospital for x-rays that were negative. He’s gonna try to take some advil and go for it tomorrow.
-Daniel Dhers still brakeless. So is Mike Laird.
