Thursday, June 30, 2011

What up Andy Buckworth? An interview.

Andy Buckworth was on a roll earlier this year having fun touring with the Nitro Circus, getting invites to the Dew Tour and X-Games but then he had a bad crash and will be sidelined for a few months. Time for an interview to see what happened and how he's doing.

First of all, how is the recovery going?
Well it's going alright, I'm getting stronger every day. The hardest thing is finding things to keep myself busy with. I'm so used to riding my bike every day that, now I'm not allowed, I'm going crazy.

What exactly happened?
Well I was at the warehouse just having a normal session. I dropped in and was going for a decade air on the 10foot, over rotated just a little bit. The bike went one way then I went the other straight to my belly which caused me to rupture my spleen. It's a grade 4 out of 5 rupture.

Does it hurt extra bad when you think you’re doing big stuff over the megaramp and it happens on a smaller ramp?
Not really, I know as much as everybody that you an get hurt doing anything, and you always get hurt doing the silly things.

Obviously it’s a bummer missing out on so many opportunities that you had lined up. When do you think you will be back rolling around?
Well the Dr has said under no circumstances can I be on the bike for at least 10 to 12 weeks. I go back in to the Dr to get follow-up scans and that's when I'll have a better idea when I can be riding again.

You had been busy touring with the Nitro Circus. Can you give us an idea what that is all about?
Well we do about 10 shows per tour, sometimes more. We travel around with Travis Pastrana and the rest of the Nitro crew, then a bunch of the best FMX riders in the world, 3 other BMX riders (Matt Whyatt, Jay Toohey and Mini). All up we have about 50 people doing what they love; traveling around having a really good time.

The pressure of doing stuff with all these people around must be insane. Add thousands of people in the stands and a dozen camera’s and you have a right to be nervous when you roll in from that big ramp. How do you deal with this in your head?
Well I don't really get nervous anymore having thousands of people in the crowed. I use that to push myself. It gives me all the more reason to land the trick and push my riding.

What’s the most insane thing you’ve seen at the Nitro Circus?
I really could not pick one thing out of that many crazy days and shows. There is never a dull moment when you're traveling around with Travis and the rest of the crew.

You’ve done some “BMX-firsts” now. Can you name a few of them?
Yeah well in New Zealand I did the no handed double fronty then followed that up with the superman double front 2 weeks later. The only thing with the superman double was that after riding down the landing I slipped over. But in Vegas a few weeks ago I was able to do the superman double and ride away..

What did you think of Jed Mildon’s triple backie?
Well that is just crazy. Mad props to Jed, he is the man.

People might think you’re a Megaramp-only rider. When do you actually get to ride a Megaramp and what do you ride most of the time?
Yeah well I only ride Megaramp at the X-Games and I do get to ride a big megaramp type jump doing the Nitro shows. But most of the time I just ride regular dirt jumps or park.

Any shout-outs?
Just would like to shout out to all my close friends that were there standing by my side in the hospital every day; Daniel Dhers, Ryan Guettler, Dave Mirra, James Foster, Shanon Farrugia, Todd Meyn, Kyle Baldock, Kelsey, Veronica, Sandi, and most of all Trish. Shout out to all my sponsors; Monster Energy, Mirra Bike Co., Jetpilot, Ogio, Ethica and Deft.
