Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Andy Buckworth interview

Name: Andy Buckworth

What was the moment where you decided to leave Australia and move to the USA?
Well there was never a moment, so to speak... I just went to Woodward as a camper in 2007 and from that I got myself the opportunity to go back for the whole summer. After that I had made my mind up that it was what I wanted to do for as long as I could continue doing it.

How long did you stay the first time you went?
I just stayed for 2 weeks as a camper at Woodward camp.

Australian riders had paved the way already going to the USA to become a pro BMX-er. Who did you look up to when you grew up?
As I was growing up, one of the 1st BMX DVDs I got was time well spent. And I looked up to Morgen Wade. As I got more into BMX I looked up to Morgen Wade, Ryan Guettler, Jamie Bestwick, Dave Mirra, and Anthony Napolitan.

You are doing it the right way, going back home in the winter to enjoy your summer in Australia. How good is that, enjoying two summers?
I definitely enjoy the summers. I love going to the beach back home in Australia. But I would love to see some cold weather and go try out snow boarding, just to mix it up a little.

Things can be rough being away from friends and family. Can you explain how rough you had it during your recent injury?
Yeah it's tough being away from family for 8 month a year at the best of times but when I was hurt it sucked. But fortunately I have a lot of close friends around me and they were always by my side and helping me through.

Being off your bike is rough. How did you handle the time that you were not allowed to ride?
I don't think I have spent that much time off my bike since I started riding, so it was really hard to find things to pass the time. I just went on a few trips and watched a whole lot of movies.

The first time you got back on the bike, how did that feel?
It felt amazing! When you have been off the bike for so long you're so happy to be back on the bike, everything you do feels so good.

How long did it take for you to get back into the swing of things?
Even now, I've been back on my bike for about a month, I still find things I don't have conference doing. But I think it's all going to make me a stronger rider in the long run.

It didn't take long for you to step things up. A double flip over the spine, how does that work out in your head? Do you picture yourself doing the trick before you attempt it?
Not really. It's something I have been doing on the resi for a long time. I was going to do it just before my crash but the injury put a hold on that. So once I got back on the bike I wanted to get it done as soon as possible. I just picture pulling back enough to flip to fakie but with enough momentum to do double and the momentum from the 2nd rotation carries me forward enough to land in the transition.

You sure had enough time to think about new tricks, is anything else boiling in your head right now?
Na not really... Just having fun at the moment doing new lines and trying to be more dialed on the bike.

You've been part of the Nitro Circus doing big shows in Australia. What's next for the Circus?
We are doing another Australian cap city tour early 2012 and there is talks of a Euro tour and US tour but not too sure about them.

It's good to have you back on the bike. Enjoy it. Any shout outs?
Yeah, just a shout out to all my friends that were there for me when I was in hospital. And to all my sponsors, Monster Energy, Jetpilot, Mirraco, Oakley, Deft, and Ogio.
